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Necturus maculosus

"Necturus maculosus" by Jason Butler

Eastern Tiger Salamander

Where to Find: This freshwater species is most commonly found in permanent ponds, rivers, and streams with clear water. They can be found in lower quality waters, but only if suitable breeding habitat consisting of rocky substrate in clear water is accessible. They are nocturnal and can be found under submerged rocks and other cover during the day.

Key Characteristics: External gills are visible and retained through adulthood. Gill size and color varies with water quality and temperature. A dark band crosses the eye and the body is a tan brown mottled with darker brown to black spots which cover the back and belly. Adults reach lengths between 20-34 cm.

Ambystoma tigrinum

Where to find: During the day can be found underneath logs, stones, in small burrows, and underneath any other cover within habitats ranging from woodlands to agricultural fields. At night adults can be found on the surface and are especially active after rainfall.

Key Characteristics: Large yellow blotches and spots cover their dark blackish body. Patterns can vary greatly. Fully grown individuals are typically between 18-22 cm. They are the largest land-dwelling salamanders in Illinois and can reach lengths of 30 cm.

"Tiger Salamander" by J. N. Stuart

Blue-Spotted Salamander

Ambystoma laterale

Where to find: Commonly found beneath logs and plant debris in various forest habitats. Individuals can also be found in woodland ponds, ditches, or any other small, fish-free body of fresh water during the spring breeding season.

Key Characteristics: Many bluish-white specks along back and sides of their black to dark bluish-gray body. Usually are 10-13 cm fully grown. 

​Species Accounts: Illinois Natural History Survey. (2017). INHS Amphibian and Reptile Collection

Illustrations & Species Accounts: Conant, R., & Collins, J. T. (1998). A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America (3rd ed). New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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